Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Beginning

My mother in law is a gardener in Las Vegas, Nevada and is very interested in holistic medicine. She believes in growing main staples of foods and herbs. Watching her garden and produce food peaked an interest in attempting the craft myself.

I live in Las Vegas and the weather is less than optimal for growing herbs, vegetables, and fruits outdoors. Can we say the blistering sun and lack of sufficient amount water available in the valley💀💀? So here I am wanting to make a bounty from ashes and this is my journey.


  1. Blistering sun and water availability definitely make gardening more challenging.

    Glad your mother-in-law piqued your interest in gardening :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3003, Spring 2023 ^_^

  2. Gardening is beautiful and soothing to do. Gardening sounds like it could also be fun. It's beautiful that she grows her own produce in her garden, nothing than an organic vegetable.

  3. I'd imagine it's fairly difficult to grow herbs in the Mojave Desert. I wish you best in your journey.

  4. I tried gardening myself and I believe I do not have the "green thumb" but I hope you can garden here in Vegas weather

  5. I think if you water the plants on time, they will be fine. Our real estate agent lives nearby us and he is growing herbs, flowers, corns in his backyard, here in Vegas!

  6. See a plant growing from 0 to 100, a process of life, is satisfying... It contains all the effort and love.

  7. You should try drip irrigation. It is a series of small hoses that allow water to literally drip slowly into the ground around the base of the plant and down into the root zone. The set up involves a network of tubing, pipes, valves, and emitters. Depending on how extensive your garden beds are, setting up your drip irrigation could take a few hours, but the end result is more than worth the effort put in at the beginning. Setting up drip irrigation will not only offer you peace of mind, knowing that your plants are getting the water they need, but it will also save you hours each week since you won’t have to water everything by hand.

  8. Hello, it is vey unique that you want to be a gardener and certainly rare as I don't come across many students who have set their goals to become gardeners. I believe if you are committed and work hard enough you could make a great career out of being a gardener and producing vegetables, herds, and fruits. It is also important to look at your option of changing environments and moving out of Las Vegas to grow food in a more fertile city. I am very pleased to meet you and hope the best for your goal of being a gardener.

  9. Hello! The extreme hot weather, on top of the watering restrictions makes it almost impossible for the craft of gardening to blossom. Nontheless, it is possible with the right individual. I wish you luck!

  10. Hey! Gardening is extremely fun. I very must miss it. I had a plan to make a gardening robot to help me save time on the every tasks.

  11. My grandmother gardens, but she does it in Utah. Trying to garden here is difficult. I can't even get my plants to stay alive.

  12. A gardener in Las Vegas, wow! That's amazing! What kind of crops would you want to focus on growing? Crops, vegetables, fruit, herbs, what exactly is it that you are trying to focus on growing? What about gardening is it that fascinates you? The ability to create and cultivate life out of "nothing?" or, the ability to care for something and watch it grow as you nurture it?

  13. That's really cool, Before moving out here my mom couldn't even keep weeds alive but she to started to prefect her craft and even got my husband on board. I myself do not like to be outside sweating bullets but all power to you green thumbs!
