Saturday, February 25, 2023

Who doesn't like a template?

Who doesn't like a good template? For me I love them. I am not a creative soul and when I try to be, it takes me hours to come up with something and execute it. And if I am being honest, I would say the final product is mediocre at best. So templates are good for me. I love that Microsoft Word has these templates. There are so many, brochures, cover letters, resumes, business, educational and so on. Within these templates you can be creative if you like or not.  You can use these templates as a guide or to give you some ideas. Honestly, before this class I didn't even know this existed. If I had I could have saved myself hours in the past. Thank you Microsoft for doing the hard work for me🙌.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saving paper, I am now

Printing seems easy enough, and in actuality it is. After you are finished with said document, save and print. This is what I have done for years. I never bothered to look at all the other options. But in participating in an information systems class (entry level) I have since seen the error in my ways. I can save paper y'all! I can print more than one page per sheet, scale to fit the paper size, and print on both sides of the paper. Full disclosure, I come from an era that after printing on one side I would then have to take out said page and then figure out how to orient the page so it would one, print on the back side and two not upside down. But now I realized my printer will do that for me. I can adjust margins even look at the printer properties and do a little something something if I need to. Before, I'd call on my husband to figure things out. Mind I still do, but at least I can say I tried x,y, and z. There is so much more to printing than I realized and what I am writing about. Funny, never thought I'd get bit excited about the different options you have to print a document but I am definitely excited about saving paper.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Fine Distinctions, Computer Programming

I didn't know there were different subsets in the career of computer programming. I thought if you were a programmer, one did everything involved in that chosen career. Application developer verses web developer or QA engineer verses database programmer, the discipline seems the same but yet the nuances, that is were the difference is. This makes sense if I really thought about it. The world of programming is vast and how can one do it all and do it effectively. 

If I compare it to the world of veterinary medicine or even human medicine, you have the general practitioner who knows the information and techniques on a general level. A litter bit of this and a little bit of that. However, there are specialized disciplines like dermatology, oncology and ophthalmology. They too are veterinarians and human doctors but the difference is in the details.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Importance of History

Some people have no interest in knowing the history of how things or entities come to be. One could say I fall into such a category, especially in the world of computers. I did however, find the computing history facts to be fascinating and enjoyable to read. Interestingly enough, I even retained a few facts. Though it was a broad overview, reading the progression from a tabulating machine to help speed up the counting process of the census to essentially having a personal computer in the palm of ones hand is amazing. It has fascinated me to know end the minds of certain people. How an idea turns into a reality which changes the way people view and behave in the world. How people can piggyback off other ideas and either improve it or even create something new. I know my limitations and I certainly do not have a mind for such things but I can appreciate and acknowledge others who do have gifts and talents that change the world. Now whether it has all been for the betterment of mankind, that is a debate for another time.