Saturday, March 4, 2023

Skip it and move on to the next

I have always been a terrible test taker. Being timed increases my anxiety from a cool 3 to a 10 on the rate your pain scale from 1-10, 10 being the worst. I tend to get hyper focused and when I don't know the answer I will try a figure out the problem. There in lies the problem. Trying to figure it out on a timed test is not the way to go. Then I get panicky, I start hearing my heartbeat in my ear and I have convinced myself I'm doomed and I'm going to fail the test. 

My advice is to skip and move on to the rest. Breathe and don't listen to that internal dialogue that tries to convince you to give up or not do your best. If you have prepared for the MOS, one should be fine. The other tidbit is to read carefully. Good Luck to any one that needs to still take the first of three and the other two that are coming up. Hopefully I can take my own advice.


  1. Me too! I am a terrible test taker. I was definitely blanking out and I had to talk myself out of it. And when I finally gazed at the time clock, I had flew into survival mode. I started remembering what I studied.

  2. Excellent advice of "skip it and move on to the next"!

    This would allow you to focus on the ones you can do in a timely manner then with the remaining time, circle back to the one(s) you skipped ^_^

    Well done on conquering MO-100 Word, may you doing even better on MO-200 Excel and MO-300 PowerPoint :-)

  3. That is exactly happening in my ENV 206. We are given to do a 6-7 question test in 15 minutes. I mean what?

  4. I feel the same way. I was miserable and in the midst of a panic attack when I took the ACT back in high school. Standardized testing is a nightmare, and the MO exams are an example. Thanks for your tips!

  5. Skipping it and moving on to the next is the best skill to duel with a timed test. Because we won't lose confidence during the test if we skip the questions we don't know.

  6. Timed tests are never fun the material itself may already be challenging and putting a time limit only makes me feel rushed.

  7. I'm not going to lie, the first time that this was introduced to me was a mind blowing experience. I skipped it, came back later, then I found myself with not only figuring out that the 5th question after that was actually answering the question had skipped, but by then I had figured out what the answer was! Definitely skip ahead.

  8. Keeping a level head and good pace is always the way to go!

  9. I usually drink coffee before a test and it usually works out for me, I remember almost everything, and I'm not nervous when I drink coffee for some reason.
