Monday, May 15, 2023

All Things Must Come....

All things must come to an end. IS101-3003 is no different. My husband asked me what I have gotten out of the course. I didn't have to think much or long. This is it. I learned that computers and applications aren't as scary as I thought, and I learned that the correct answer isn't always the best answer. I also learned to slow down, read the question at hand and not assume what the question is asking of me. I also learned there are still professors out there that want you to achieve, do your best and will come along side of you if you show you are willing. Those kinds of teachers are rare, few and far between. We should cherish these teachers when we come across them.

This course has been a pain in my backside but a pain I didn't know I needed; I had the pleasure to learn from a variety of people. I witnessed drive, passion, wonder and determination. All the things I have felt in my youth and have long left me. But to witness it has sparked something inside of me and for that I am grateful. 

To my classmates and Professor Wu, thank you and I wish you all joyful travels in this life.

Sun, the garden needs you but....

The sun and heat here in Las Vegas can be brutal. The sunshine is what I like about Las Vegas but also can be the bane of my existence. Coupled with the water shortage and restrictions, having a garden can be challenging. The amount of direct sun can be brutal for the plants and soil. It sucks moisture, burns the leaves and fruit, and can kill a plant real quick. The heat is a real stressor, not only for the garden but also for the gardener as well. 

So what have I done that allows me to have a thriving garden so far? Besides putting in a drip system, I also manually water my garden once to twice daily. I also put up gardening shade fabric to protect the plants. Now when I say I did, really it was my husband who put it up, he also installed the drip system. Those three things have allowed my garden, "Becky" to survive. Yes, I named it. Surprise!!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

What's going on?

I was at the orthodontist and I noticed that almost everyone in the office were wearing Jordans. Can someone tell me what the fascination /borderline obsession with these shoes are? The staff and well as a patient were discussing the types and colors they had, how many they have and if they have the protection thingies for the shoes, blah blah blah.  I'm sure as you can tell I am not a sneaker head  however I AM a lover of shoes. But these Jordans, I just can't wrap my head around it. I just cannot unsee how many people I come across that have a pair.

In my mind I wonder why in a world where people claim they want to be individuals, clever and unique we really don't want to.  This is evident with the Jordans, the Louis Vuitton's, Stanley cups, lip fillers, BBLs, the removal of buccal fat from the face and the list goes on. Don't get me wrong , I too am not immune. But I have two vintage Louis bags that I won't wear because EVERYONE has one, real or otherwise. Quietly I'm a bit vexed about it.

I guess these are the "it" shoes and bags. Symbolizing, in my opinion we are more like sheep than we want to admit.

Saturday, May 6, 2023


So now that spring has sprung, so have the insects . The dreaded ants, aphids and other creepy crawlers that can ruin a garden. Honestly, I have no issue with using chemicals to kills these suckers however, my mother-in-law who helps with my garden a BIG way. She is the all natural, holistic gardener. She is like this her life in general. To get her to take any medications is a chore and she has to be on deaths door and have tired all the natural remedies before she'll even take an ibuprofen.  And to her credit, for being 70 years old, she looks fantastic and gardens professionally. 

So I'll be out with my diatomaceous earth and my concoction of Bonners soap mixed with water and alcohol to save my garden from the free loaders when the pop up.


Quietly though, I did purchase some liquid ant traps and Sevin insect killer on stand by just in case 🕱