Saturday, May 6, 2023


So now that spring has sprung, so have the insects . The dreaded ants, aphids and other creepy crawlers that can ruin a garden. Honestly, I have no issue with using chemicals to kills these suckers however, my mother-in-law who helps with my garden a BIG way. She is the all natural, holistic gardener. She is like this her life in general. To get her to take any medications is a chore and she has to be on deaths door and have tired all the natural remedies before she'll even take an ibuprofen.  And to her credit, for being 70 years old, she looks fantastic and gardens professionally. 

So I'll be out with my diatomaceous earth and my concoction of Bonners soap mixed with water and alcohol to save my garden from the free loaders when the pop up.


Quietly though, I did purchase some liquid ant traps and Sevin insect killer on stand by just in case 🕱


  1. Bonners soap mixed with water and alcohol?

    I think I'll give it try :-)

  2. Yes those insects do pop up with a quickness. My newly revived minature apple tree has these white little insects that be flying off the leaves when I water it. They must be those called 'aphids'.

  3. Literally saving that recipe! Didn't know that was a way to rid the little critters. We have plent of house plants and this will help loads! Thank you!

  4. I love LOVE Dr. Bronner's soap and its numerous uses! Definitely saving this for future use. Nonetheless, it's great that you and your mother-in-law have your own ways of tackling the issue and can learn from each other's perspectives. May your efforts successfully fend off unwanted pests (holistically or not)! :)

  5. It seems like a war between human and ants in Spring.

  6. Yes, I can relate to your mother-in-law I'm also hesitant to take pain medication unless my pain is unbearable. The critters are ready and out for summer I didn't realize ants could ruin gardening!

  7. Pour boiling water on the anthill. If you have a larger ant problem and know where the nest is, you can use this method to try and naturally kill the colony. It may take a couple of attempts, and you’ll want to wait until the ants are mostly asleep for the night (same as you would do with bees before spraying the nest). Another way to get rid of ants is to spray diluted Epsom salt on them. Although there are a few ways Epsom salts can be used, the most consistent method is diluting Epsom salt with water and spraying it directly onto the ants.
